To retain Erin Durant, contact her law clerk Wanda Michie: wmichie@durantbarristers.com
Ms. Durant represents her clients with considerable skill and in keeping with the best traditions of the bar. She founded Durant Barristers after practicing law as a partner at one of Canada's largest law firms.
Ms. Durant represents sophisticated clients, public institutions, insurance companies and corporations of all sizes in significant, high profile litigation. She regularly acts on behalf of professionals in negligence claims and disciplinary complaints before professional regulators. Ms. Durant is also regularly retained by other law firms to assist with their complex litigation matters, trials and appeals. She argues before all levels of court in Ontario as well as at various tribunals. She has also defended against leave applications to the Supreme Court of Canada. She is known for her sound advice, experience with high profile scandals, fearless advocacy and positive outcomes for clients both at court and through negotiated settlements.
Durant Barristers, led by Ms. Durant, is one of the few law firms in Canada that does a significant amount of work in the sports industry. Our sports experience is very broad and includes safe sport, risk management, anti-doping, team selection, appearances before the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada, sports arbitrations, and issues related transgender athletes' access to sport and recreation. She accepts mandates from sports organizations of all sizes, athletes, coaches, universities, colleges, national or provincial bodies and professional sports clubs.
Skilled and knowledgeable in the areas of procedural fairness and natural justice, Ms. Durant is called upon regularly to conduct confidential, high-profile investigations and reviews of all sorts for businesses, municipalities, universities and colleges, not-for-profit corporations, franchises and sports associations. As a former competitive athlete and NCCP certified coach, Ms. Durant has become a highly sought after investigator for harassment, abuse complaints and other misconduct allegations regarding sports associations. Ms. Durant has a strong interest in representing parties or commission counsel in Public Inquiries and reviews.
​Ms. Durant frequently receives invitations to speak at legal conferences, corporate events and at law schools. She is frequently invited to speak to audiences of other lawyers about trial advocacy, evidence, expert witnesses, building and managing a law firm, investigations, motor vehicle accident litigation, and summary dismissal of frivolous claims. Ms. Durant has also spoken at corporate events both for clients and for other law firms about workplace culture, investigations, risk management, wellness and burnout, and understanding the Millennial worker. Ms. Durant spent four years as an Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Common Law where she taught Civil Procedure and Insurance Law to law students. She has also given guest lectures at most of Ontario's law schools. A frequent writer, Ms. Durant demystifies the Canadian legal market for other lawyers, clients and law students through her newsletter, Durant Rants. She is also the author of It Burned Me All Down, an Amazon Best Seller in categories of interest to the legal profession, and is currently working on various other writing projects.
Ms. Durant’s outstanding contributions to the legal profession have earned her numerous accolades, including the County of Carleton Law Association’s Regional Senior Justice Award (2022) for excellence as a litigator and community leader, and is “repeatedly recommended” in Lexpert’s Directory for personal injury litigation. Ms. Durant is consistently ranked in Best Lawyers in Canada (2021–2025) across multiple practice areas and has received prestigious honors such as the Canadian Defence Lawyers Richard B. Lindsay QC Exceptional Young Litigator Award, the Advocates’ Society Writer’s Award (2020), and Lexpert’s Zenith Award (2019) as a Change Agent in law. Ms. Durant's influence within the legal profession was solidified in 2022 when she was named one of the top twenty-five most influential lawyers in Canada by Canadian Lawyer Magazine.