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Update on the Durant Barristers Reconciliation Action Plan: Remember to Share your Purchasing Power!

Last year, our associate Leslie Anne St. Amour helped guide us through the process of creating a Reconciliation Action Plan. Part of the plan included posting it on our website for accountability purposes and also to show other firms the ways that all of us can work towards reconciliation with Canada's Indigenous peoples.

We recently took a few minutes during a team meeting to review our progress on the plan. Admittedly, a few items had fallen off our radar and have been bumped up the priority list by re-visiting the plan. Revisiting the plan also reminded me that a relatively simple way to contribute is to keep businesses owned by Indigenous people in mind when purchasing business supplies and gifting. Leslie Anne keeps a list of suppliers in mind that are owned and operated by Indigenous entrepreneurs and others from historically disadvantaged groups.

Here is a small sample of the vendors on Leslie Anne's list:

I hope that my #SummerLawSanta gift recipient enjoys her unique gifts.

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